Busy Bee PlaySquad

Busy Bee PlaySquad

This morning of themed fun includes movement based learning, preschool preparation (such as lining up, following directions, sitting still, etc.) mini gym experiences, crafts, character building activities, stories, music and more!

Parents provide the lunch (peanuts products are not allowed) and we’ll provide the FUN!



  • When is Playsquad offered?
  • How old must children be to participate in Playsquad?
  • What do I need to bring to Playsquad?
  • Do Children have free choice to participate in the activities?
  • What if my child gets sick at the last minute?
  • How do I register and what is the cost?
When is Playsquad offered?

Playsquad is offered every Monday and Thursday (holiday closures excluded) from 9:30-11:00am. Pre registration is required.

How old must children be to participate in Playsquad?

Children ages 2-3 are welcome to attend! Parent’s are REQUIRED to attend the Playsquad class with their toddler.

What do I need to bring to Playsquad?

Your child will need a bag for their craft and a change of clothes and underwear (in case of an accident).

Do Children have free choice to participate in the activities?

Absolutely! Children are never forced to do an activity, Playsquad instructors will work to find alternatives where possible.

What if my child gets sick at the last minute?

If you know your child is not going to be able to come to Playsquad please logon to our online absence reporting system and report the absence before 8:30am the day of. You will receive a courtesy lesson voucher at the next week’s Playsquad. If you fail to report the absence, you fail to receive a courtesy lesson.

How do I register and what is the cost?

You may enroll online, in person or over the phone. Tuition cost is $50 per month. Pre registration is REQUIRED.